Solid as a Rock!

Have you noticed how many times the Bible refers to nature?  There are rocks, streams, rivers, trees, fruit, and so much more everywhere in the Bible.  I guess it makes sense when God is the creator of it all eh?

I was pondering rocks and sponges recently.  I’m doing a weekly ladies Bible study and I was thinking about how many times I do the homework but never let it affect me.  I got to add the checkmark on my To Do list, but did I let God get His checkmark for teaching me something new about Him?  There is something to “getting ‘er done” versus “being molded into His image.”  I think it is the difference between a rock and a sponge.

I love rocks!  Seriously.  It’s a strange love of my life that few have known about me (now more will know).  Even for my wedding I wanted rocks on the tables at the reception (see picture).  A great friend of mine came up with “Love Rocks!”, which in my case, can be used both ways – Love does rock, but also I love rocks.

However, there is a time to be “solid as a rock,” but other times when it is to our destruction.  When our heart is solid as a rock, nothing, not even God can penetrate it.  He limits Himself that way.

Now a sponge – that’s a different story all together!  A sponge drinks in the water and takes on the characteristics of water.  It seeps out the water and is totally changed by it.  At first, a sponge is hard and unyielding.  When water is added, the sponge becomes flexible, penetrable, and useful for what it was intended to do!

“Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23 AMP)

Another version of this verse says “Guard your heart” and I’ve always struggled with how to do that exactly.  However, I think it has to do with sponges.  If I allow my heart to be penetrated with God’s Word, then my sponge can be used for what it was intended to do – flow with His springs of life!

What have you allowed God to change in you today?