Solid as a Rock!

Have you noticed how many times the Bible refers to nature?  There are rocks, streams, rivers, trees, fruit, and so much more everywhere in the Bible.  I guess it makes sense when God is the creator of it all eh?

I was pondering rocks and sponges recently.  I’m doing a weekly ladies Bible study and I was thinking about how many times I do the homework but never let it affect me.  I got to add the checkmark on my To Do list, but did I let God get His checkmark for teaching me something new about Him?  There is something to “getting ‘er done” versus “being molded into His image.”  I think it is the difference between a rock and a sponge.

I love rocks!  Seriously.  It’s a strange love of my life that few have known about me (now more will know).  Even for my wedding I wanted rocks on the tables at the reception (see picture).  A great friend of mine came up with “Love Rocks!”, which in my case, can be used both ways – Love does rock, but also I love rocks.

However, there is a time to be “solid as a rock,” but other times when it is to our destruction.  When our heart is solid as a rock, nothing, not even God can penetrate it.  He limits Himself that way.

Now a sponge – that’s a different story all together!  A sponge drinks in the water and takes on the characteristics of water.  It seeps out the water and is totally changed by it.  At first, a sponge is hard and unyielding.  When water is added, the sponge becomes flexible, penetrable, and useful for what it was intended to do!

“Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life.” (Proverbs 4:23 AMP)

Another version of this verse says “Guard your heart” and I’ve always struggled with how to do that exactly.  However, I think it has to do with sponges.  If I allow my heart to be penetrated with God’s Word, then my sponge can be used for what it was intended to do – flow with His springs of life!

What have you allowed God to change in you today?

Independence Day

We are approaching July 4th, Independence Day. It’s a day we celebrate this country’s independence from Great Britain back in 1776. This past week, Great Britain (or the United Kingdom) voted their own independence from the European Union. Strange how what goes around comes around.

The breaking away of countries from another’s rule goes way back to the beginning of time.  One example I came across this morning was in 2 Kings 8:20: “During Jehoram’s reign, Edom rebelled against Judah’s control and appointed their own king.” (HCSB)

Interesting the choice of word used here: “rebelled.” Other Bible versions use “revolted.”  Either way, there has to be a rebellion or revolting against authority in order to have independence.

Independence is a good thing, right? I’ve been known to be called independent. I’ve got my own mind made up – most of the time. I can stand on my own two feet. I’m an independent woman!

However, I learned a new word today. Transgress or transgression. I always thought it meant sin. But in the Old Testament, it means something different.  From the Vine’s Concise Dictionary of the Bible, Transgress means “to rebel. The whole process of rebellion has independence in view.” Looking at the same verse above, “Edom rebelled against Judah and appointed their own king,” is really about Judah wanting to be independent of Judah.  It is the same word as transgression in this verse! So transgression can be rebelling or getting independence way from something/someone.

Now check out this verse regarding Jesus and His sacrifice for us: “But He was pierced because of our transgressions, crushed because of our iniquities; punishment for our peace was on Him, and we are healed by His wounds.” (Isaiah 53:5 HCSB) Another version of the Bible says, “But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed.” (NLT)


Is independence as as in individual really a good thing then?  I believe this verse is pointing to when we are acting independent of God and His ways, then we are being rebellious and transgressing.  And this is one of the main reasons Jesus was sent to earth, to clear us of that punishment.

I wonder when I forget to seek Him on decisions I make, or go days without praying or even acknowledging Him, or eliminate His Word from my daily life, how independent I’m being! In other words, I can do life without Him. Ew! Just puts a sickening feeling in my stomach.  How easy it is to slowly start doing things on my own and not invite Him in to be Lord of my daily life! AND how rebellious that is!

The good news, Jesus died just for this! He knew I would constantly try to do things on my own, and break away from His rule. Live independently. Thank God He made allowances for this ! Now I acknowledge, I can do nothing apart from Him!  “I (Jesus) am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.” (John 15:5 NKJV)

Lord, help me to recognize when I’m going my own direction and not abiding in You so that I can turn from my rebellion! I invite You once again to be my Lord, my King, my teacher, my leader. I submit all of me and all that I do to You.



Babbling or Bubbling

I love the mountains! Everything about them. The smell. The rough terrain. The spring flowers sprouting from the middle of rocks. The view of the mountains from the city. The fresh air.  Oh, and the rivers or brooks!  If you know me, I HATE to cross over them on a log.  For some reason, my legs become jello and I lose all my balance.  But I digress.  Back to the beautiful streams that flows down the mountain…They have such a peaceful sound even when raging as they cascade over rocks.

I learned something new today (said like a second grader coming home to tell mommy he learned how to burp – uh, write in class)! I learned that I have a river of living water flowing out of my heart. Seriously! Me! There is a magnificent river flowing out of me peace, health, generosity, loving-kindness, etc.  It even says so in the Bible (like the second grader saying “Mr. Berry said so!”): “He who believes in Me (Jesus speaking here), as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.” (John 7:38 NKJV)

So then why do I sometimes feel more like a babbling brook, than a bubbling one?

First of all, I know that feelings can be deceiving.  But even so, they are real and should be acknowledged.  I’ve been down on myself the last few days because of a bad choice I made. I chose selfishly, instead of God’s way. I had a chance to share the love of God with someone, but instead I chose to be selfish and feed my own desires. Icky. So icky.

I recently heard that “stuff” can clog up the river of life in my heart, and I believe that.  The day before, I was alive in Christ! I was hopeful! I was generous! I was enjoying the abundant life.  So why did I make that stupid choice?

Well, I did. So now what.  First, I repented. I confessed to God (and others) that I chose the wrong path. God (and others) forgave me instantly! So awesome. But I needed to pick myself up, dust myself off, let it go, and move on. I needed to clear out the clutter so that my river would flow again. That junk does not belong there!

I’m sure you’ve heard these scriptures before, but in the midst of it, they mean so much more! “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28 NKJV)  Even my own terrible decisions I’ve made – God is working those together for good! Perhaps God will bring the gal that I should’ve witnessed to around to me again? Or bring her path across someone else who has the love of God to share!

And “My (Jesus’) grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” (II Corinthians 12:9 NKJV) Oh boy, am I weak! It’s amazing how when given a choice how quickly I chose what I want versus what God wants. The difference between a good choice (or bad one) and the best choice. But God’s grace is made perfect in just those moments! He is still working on me.

“…being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ…” (Philippians 1:6 NKJV) God is still working on me and He is making me into someone who will more regularly chose His way over mine.

So today, I’ve cleared the clog, and out of my heart will flow rivers of living water!

How about you? Any clogs you need to clear out? Any bad decisions you need to let go of, give to God, and move on?  Trust me, the living water pouring out is much better than a babbling brook. God is good, and wants the best for us!

(P.S. The context of the verse is the Holy Spirit.  He is the living water.)


It’s amazing what Spring in the Rocky Mountains does for me!  After the winter month’s of brown ugly grass, dirt and dry sticks for trees, suddenly things start happening.  Little tiny leaves smaller than your fingernail start to show up on the branches, flowers start breaking through and bring color to a previously ugly dull brown landscape.  And each blade of grass just miraculously starts turning green even if there wasn’t any water!  It is truly amazing.  It makes me think, how did they know NOW is the time to start growing?  Each plant says, “okay, it’s time!”  “Today’s the day!”  Yes, I really believe they think and say those things!  (No, not really, I’m not crazy, at least I don’t think I’m crazy.  Hmm.)

But more than that, Spring brings me Hope.  I don’t know why.  I just get excited about the future and what could happen this Summer.  I start thinking about possibilities.  Things are possible now.  There is that little hint that there is more out there.  It might be under the surface just waiting to come out, but it’s there.  We might just need that tiny glance of something to bring us hope.

I was reminded this morning of a previous weight loss experience.  I had convinced myself that it was truly impossible for my body to lose weight. I seriously believed something was wrong with me, and it was truly impossible for this body.  Then one day (after a week of a new “program”) I saw a budge on the scale!  Oh my goodness what that did for me!  Suddenly, like a flower popping up out of the dirt, I believed something new!  I had hope.  It was possible!

Hope is powerful!  (Heck, it caused me to lose weight even!  A miracle!)

If you’ve read many scriptures in the Bible about Faith, Hope is right there with it.  Matter of fact, Hope comes first before Faith.  That tiny bud on the tree brings me hope that it is possible there is more to the dreary landscape.  Then my Faith is triggered, and I suddenly believe the tree will be more than it was before – fully green and leafy.  I can “see” it.

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1 NKJV)  I can believe the tree is going to be full of huge leaves (even though I don’t see it yet) because I had hope in the first place!

So if Hope comes first.  How do I get Hope?

“Remember the word to Your servant, upon which You have caused me to hope.  This is my comfort in my affliction, for Your word has given me life” (Psalm 119:49-50 NKJV)  What was the cause of the hope?  The word!  The word gives life – that glimpse of green.  God’s Word (the Bible) is alive and gives us that glimpse that there is more!  There are possibilities!  Things are possible now!  There is a future!  There is green coming!

I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel very much in the Winter – dry, brown, ugly, dull.  And I have little to no hope.  Sometimes it the circumstances surrounding me that I feel everything is going wrong.  It is in these times I’m reminded to go to His Word.  He will meet you and I there, and give us that small little glimpse.  Or hear a still small voice.  (I Kings 19:12)  And then SUDDENLY!  Hope breaks through!  I have eyes to see!  He is our hope!

This is my prayer for you today:  “Reflect on what I am saying, for the Lord will give you insight into all this.” (2 Timothy 2:7 NIV)  May He (God) be your Hope and bring you insight.